Frost World Scenery - Settlement of Scythos

A set of high poly printable 3D models for an outlandishly frigid and remote landscape, with some high fantasy elements.

The lore of the Frost World implies that many millenia ago, a mighty warrior from another world found himself stranded on the deep freezing world of Fiendheim. The local barbaric tribes that lived in the crevaces and caves of the ice soon understood that the might of this warrior was great and his heart burned with the strength of the wolf. Scythos was his name and he helped them learn how to shape the hyper dense ice of Fiendheim to create beautiful structures to live in, weapons and armor - they no longer resided in caves or hoped their wooden weapons would keep them alive. King Scythos created his kingdom out of the harsh environment of the frigid wasteland, and ruled it for many years after. One day, the skies of Fiendheim burned red and a Great Enemy arrived. Scythos's story ends as he rode off into the ice winds to meet this enemy in combat, never to return.

A preview of some finalized models in a settlement setup.

A preview of some finalized models in a settlement setup.

A settlement setup with the dire wolf visible. The wolf can be used as a miniature for the local kennels or as a cart mount for war. I will include a harness for fitting it.

A settlement setup with the dire wolf visible. The wolf can be used as a miniature for the local kennels or as a cart mount for war. I will include a harness for fitting it.

Many kinds of setups can be achieved with the placeables in this bundle - here is an example of a small outpost or settlement in the freezing wastes.

Many kinds of setups can be achieved with the placeables in this bundle - here is an example of a small outpost or settlement in the freezing wastes.

Early stage of the process, much definition still missing on these.

Early stage of the process, much definition still missing on these.

The lore suggests that the First and Lant king, Scythos, built the town with his own mighty hands and it is evident in much of the architecture.

The lore suggests that the First and Lant king, Scythos, built the town with his own mighty hands and it is evident in much of the architecture.

One of the residence buildings, a bit more adorned so as to make it look like someone important lives here.

One of the residence buildings, a bit more adorned so as to make it look like someone important lives here.

A closer look at Icewall Keep. I will be adding some more adornments before I release the bundle, but the point is not to overload the final result.

A closer look at Icewall Keep. I will be adding some more adornments before I release the bundle, but the point is not to overload the final result.