Grey Dwarf Scatter Terrain - Skyless Realms Kickstarter

Skyless Realms Kickstarter is a collection of exceptionally printable models for tabletop role playing and wargaming games - themed to depict the brutal awesomeness of the Underdark or many other underground and exotic environments. The artist behind the whole thing creates some exceptional terrain, so check out his work via links I have posted below.

It was a blast to work with the studio on designing and 3d sculpting the Gray Dwarf stretch goal scatter scenery pieces, along with some miniatures that I will make separate posts for.

You can check out the imba Skyless Realms printable scenery here:
Also a link to the Skyless Realms KS spot:

Steam powered automaton helper workbench, reporting for duty!

Steam powered automaton helper workbench, reporting for duty!

City Center, Taskmaster pillar and lava cauldrons.

City Center, Taskmaster pillar and lava cauldrons.

Gray dwarf factory lines, all machinery is lava powered and comes with duergar guarantee.

Gray dwarf factory lines, all machinery is lava powered and comes with duergar guarantee.

Arcs and amphitheatre can be used to create huge dwarven city central hubs.

Arcs and amphitheatre can be used to create huge dwarven city central hubs.

A couple of gray dwarf huts here as well, roofs removable for imba action.

A couple of gray dwarf huts here as well, roofs removable for imba action.