Cybernetic Monk Model/Disciple of the Ten no Chitsujo

"You cannot take them by yourself..", the sword whispered in the warrior's thoughts - "..they are the ones that destroyed our master..". The warrior stood up and his stance was a challenge to his opponents. "I can now, Hyonmu" he whispered back. "I wear the armor of the heavens. Nothing is beyond me!"

Work on a printable cyber monk figurine, all in Zbrush. In a very distant future, the warrior monks of the Heavenly Order have one main goal in life - to achieve the form of the "armor of the heavens" - in essence, to have all of their body replaced with cybernetic enhancements. The procedure requires incredible balance between mind and body as only then will the monk be able to maintain his reason and personality. Masters of the order have been known to reach such heights of self-awareness that they are able to change cyber-bodies at will - meaning they have more than one hidden somewhere.

The model is mostly finalized though I may add some more adornments or gear at some point.