Rider Cyborg Figurine

The Rider cyborg of the Sector Squad printable figurine. If printed by itself, his Battlehawk bike can serve as the group's restock/rearm point during a fight while the miniature can be printed by itself so you can mess around with any other rider miniatures of your own - would make a very nice Shadowrun group's vehicles/gang bikes. The Berserker is not part of the Rider miniature.

This comes out at ~5m polys (rider with bike) while the rider and bike separate are at about 2.5m polys each, all in Zbrush. Prepared for printing at a rough 60mm base scale (the mounted rider).

"Chicken" preparation/stairdown stance.

"Chicken" preparation/stairdown stance.

Road warrior.

Road warrior.

Whoever the target of that flail is gonna think many things over.

Whoever the target of that flail is gonna think many things over.