Cyberpunk Adventuring Monk Figurine

A sculpt of a cybernetic warrior-monk, aimed to be used as a miniature in cyberpunk-themed tabletop games, optimally at ~28mm scale (the miniature is designed primarily for printing at 32mm). A managed to maintain quite a high definition on it while keeping the end .stl at just below 500k polys post decimate - the initial raw subtools where at about 600k - 1mil polys each and a total of 19 subtools.

It would be best for the miniature to be printed on it's feet (upright position) as that will require the least supports (mainly on the swords, everything else is pretty much supported on more than 2 sides.

Here is a link to my Sculpteo shop for a print of him in SLS plastic:

The overseer's platform is part of the Salvager Ramparts printable scenery but can easily pass for cyberpunk styled terrain.

The overseer's platform is part of the Salvager Ramparts printable scenery but can easily pass for cyberpunk styled terrain.