Pinkskin Bruiser Squad Figurines

A set of printable goblinoid miniature models and their vehicle/golem construction. The goblins are "goblinoid" and generic enough in design so one can use them as goblins, demonic goblinoids, mutated humans or any other monstrously humanoid race of his creation - if painted accordingly they might even be awesome dark fey Redcap warriors. The PBP-9000 (Pinkskin Bruiser Project-9000), the squad's secret weapon is aimed to be used as a war or iron golem or as the squad's vehicle (if the pilot version is printed) - a goblin or gnomish workshop might even have a small army of these as guardians.

Groups interested in playing monstrous player adventures may have a great group of goblinoids to choose from while the golem could be printed without a pilot and each player can have his own vehicle.

The full squad will include these four, one goblin squad leader, two goblin special ops and three versions of the PBP-9000.

The full squad will include these four, one goblin squad leader, two goblin special ops and three versions of the PBP-9000.

I will include a version of the PBP-9000 with ranged weapons, one with a goblin pilot and one with no pilot so you can mess with it with your own minis.

I will include a version of the PBP-9000 with ranged weapons, one with a goblin pilot and one with no pilot so you can mess with it with your own minis.